We can’t help but be inspired seeing examples of companies using social media successfully. So if you’re anything like us, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the case studies we’ve highlighted this week from the Boston Celtics and Runner’s World. Whether you’re a sports fan or not, the lessons learned from each example are worth the quick read.
To carry on last week’s What We’re Reading trend of “news you can use,” we have a few updates from Twitter and Google Analytics. And while they didn’t make the cut below, you might stop by Forbes for this overview of social media mistakes to avoid at work and Fast Company for a reminder about the importance of good PR pitches – especially in this social media age.
GigaOM: Why Traditional Media Should be Afraid of Twitter
Twitter continues to make strides into the media realm, and the recent launch of their “hashtag pages” shows another step in this direction. This article breaks down this first venture and provides great links out to resources such as Mashable and TechCrunch for their insights, too.
The Next Web: More Content in Tweets on Twitter.com
Earlier this week, Twitter announced that it’s expanding the range of content shown in tweets on Twitter.com and mobile.twitter.com. Read this article for a breakdown, as well as a highlight of some specific brands that are partnering with Twitter for this launch, including BET and The New York Times, to name a few.
Social Media Examiner: How to Use the New Google Analytics Social Reporting Tool
At GFM we’re big fans of Google Analytics, particularly as it relates to measuring how social platforms are driving traffic to company websites. Google recently introduced some new social media reporting tools and this article does a good job breaking down the new options, including graphic illustrations in many cases.
Digiday: 5 Brands That Get Pinterest
As brands try to figure out how to best leverage Pinterest, there are a number who have already hit the ball out of the park including Sephora and Gap. This article highlights a few favorites, and while you’re in Pinterest mode, don’t forget to follow GFM!
Case Studies
BrianSolis.com: How the Boston Celtics Win in Social Media and Digital
Their season on the court may have come to an end, but the Boston Celtics continue to rack up points in social media and intend to keep the momentum going. Read this Q&A for insight into how a small social media team wins big with fans.
Ragan’s Health Care Communication News: Runner’s World Gains 100,000 Followers in 100 Days
With more than 325,000 followers, @RunnersWorld is setting a pace that many other companies would like to follow. Read this article to learn more about how the magazine listened carefully to get to know its audience and then tested various strategies to find the right cadence and content to resonate with its followers.