Libations: You can't come to Texas without enjoying a crisp, cold Shiner Bock when the weather jumps well into the 70's. Especially when it was paid for by Google at their Google Places Happy Hour.
Celebrity-ish Sighting: FourSquare CEO Dennis Crowley and Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh (see photo below). We were tech-star struck.
Through the lens: Crowley and Hsieh discussing business in the Samsung Blogger Lounge
Grab Bag: Its obviously fun to meet new an interesting people every day, but its also great to run into Colorado friends and colleagues while at SXSW. Big thanks to Ginger Pelz (@gpelz) for setting up an impromptu Colorado meetup via Twitter with @benjaminbacon, @biavio, @kristaflock, and the elusive @pug, to name a few.
Free Stuff Rules: Cool Haus Austin (@CoolhausATX) was not only giving out free Nutella and red velvet ice cream sandwiches for tweeting about them, but Alexis scored a free @charm_charlie bracelet for what was surely the best 2-for-1 tweet of the conference so far.
Number of steps taken: 13,081
Hours of sleep: Jim: 5.75. Alexis: 6.5. (curse you, Daylight Savings Time!)
Caffeinated beverages consumed: Jim: 4. Alexis: 0.5.
Number of connections made: 53 people and counting – and all of them have been interesting.
~Jim Licko and Alexis Anderson