The training sessions were well attended and
led to great discussions about today’s most popular social media platforms
(Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc.) and their relevance for various
organizations, as well as the importance of measuring an organization’s social
media efforts. The conversations also made us very aware of the challenges of
communicating with indigenous populations throughout a state that is twice as
large as Texas and in which small planes and snow machines are the only way to
get to many villages.
What we determined is that social media is not THE answer to these challenges, but that it is a great supplement to the various channels of communication available to health providers reaching out to audiences near and far. This is a great point for all of us to remember, regardless of what your products or services might include.
What we determined is that social media is not THE answer to these challenges, but that it is a great supplement to the various channels of communication available to health providers reaching out to audiences near and far. This is a great point for all of us to remember, regardless of what your products or services might include.
While social media is the newest shiny
object, it is not the end-all, be-all and must be part of a comprehensive, strategic
communications mix. For example, driving people to your company’s Facebook page
via a QR code promoted at a special event can increase traffic to your website
– if you provide the right mix of content on your Facebook page to serve those
who land there. It could also directly impact the number of people who attend
free health screenings or request, in the case of the Alaska Department of
Health and Social Services, free condoms that are shipped anywhere in Alaska
upon request.
I’m a big believer in the power of social
media, but I also caution all of us not to let more traditional means of
communication fall by the wayside while we’re trying to determine the best
social media strategies. When you combine traditional communication strategies
with your social media strategies your ability to reach a broader audience
increases and, in many cases, you’re metrics will be clearer and easier to
define. What difficult challenges – like
disparate audience or highly dispersed population – have you overcome with an
integrated communications campaign? Why did it work?
~ Ramonna Robinson is Vice President and Managing Partner at GroundFloor Media.