If you read Kristina Reilly’s blog post in October, you learned that the GrrroundFloor Animals at GFM united to support Morris Animal Foundation’s Canine Cancer Campaign as part of GroundFloor Media’s 10th Anniversary Get Giving project. We reached our goal to donate a minimum of $2,500 and had fun putting together a video featuring all the GFM dogs. Our donation will go toward furthering research in treatment, prevention and hopefully finding a cure for canine cancer some day soon. If you forgot to donate or are looking for a good cause this holiday season to make a donation, visit the GrrroundFloor Animals fundraising donation page.
Beyond the Canine Cancer Campaign, Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) aims to help not only dogs but, all companion animals and wildlife as a national animal charity in Denver’s back yard. We asked Heidi Jeter the Director of Marketing and Communications to tell us more about ways to give and what our efforts mean to the future of animal health. Our team is very passionate about helping our furry family members – you might just run into one of our four-legged friends if you stop by our office impromptu - and hope our efforts lead to finding a cure.
What does GroundFloor Media's donation mean to MAF and the future for canines?
Cancer is the no. 1 cause of death for dogs over the age of 2. The only way to beat this disease is through scientific study. Unfortunately, there is little government funding for animal health studies, so scientists who want to help animals depend on organizations like Morris Animal Foundation for their funding. GroundFloor Media’s donation will help us make a difference in preventing and treating cancer in dogs.
When did the Canine Cancer Campaign start and how can people get involved?
Morris Animal Foundation’s Canine Cancer Campaign is an unprecedented global effort to prevent, treat and, ultimately, cure cancer in dogs. It launched in 2007 with the goals of learning how to better diagnose, prevent and treat cancer in dogs. The Foundation currently is funding 39 canine cancer studies. Some of the cancers being studied are bladder cancer, lymphoma, bone cancer, mast cell tumors and soft-tissue sarcomas.
There are lots of ways to support the campaign, many of them are listed on our website at www.CureCanineCancer.org, including.
· Donating in memory or honor of a special dog
· Participating in a Morris Animal Foundation K9 Cancer Walk
· Hosting a dog walk to benefit the Canine Cancer Campaign
· Creating a personal Cure Canine Cancer fundraising Web page
· Sharing your survivor stories or memories
We also have some great gift items on our website at http://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/make-a-difference/shop-smart.html. These include animal-themed ornaments, wine, pet tags and a lot more. Part of the proceeds from all of these items benefits Morris Animal Foundation.
Are there any connections between canine cancer and human cancer, especially around research?
Cancer is similar in dogs and humans. What researchers learn from dogs may lead to cancer prevention and treatment breakthroughs for humans and vice versa—treatments being used in humans successfully are now being studied for dogs. Different breeds also develop different types of cancer, which indicates strong genetic factors. Learning more about the genetic connections in dogs could help researchers studying human cancers as well.
Tell us about the K9 Cancer Walk? When is it and how can I participate?
The K9 Cancer Walk program raises funds for its Canine Cancer Campaign, which funds prevention and treatment research to help dogs enjoy longer, healthier, cancer-free lives. In 2011, the Foundation hosted five walks nationwide including the first-ever in Denver. The 2012 walk schedule isn’t finalized yet, but people can visit www.K9CancerWalk.org to learn more.
~ Carrie Odberg