Over the past few weeks the buzz surrounding the opening of Davis Guggenheim’s “Waiting for Superman” has been great. Whether it be the New York Times’ movie review or “NBC News” dedicating a week of coverage to education reform with its Education Nation series, the focus has not only been on the politics of education reform and the role of government in fixing the issue, but more importantly the need for everyday people and the business community to respond to challenges facing our communities. It serves as a reminder that you could be the Superman or Superwoman that your community needs.
This past weekend I participated in Slow Food USA’s Dig Day of national service. The Slow Food Denver chapter recruited volunteers to build garden sinks and garden signs that would then be distributed to some of the schools participating in Denver Public School’s school gardens program. The beauty of this day was the diversity of the volunteers. The group consisted of a few families from the local school, members of the Slow Food Denver chapter and about 25 members of the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation’s 2010 Impact Denver and Leadership Denver classes. Both classes selected two schools to support that are currently participating in the school garden program. Although some of us have school-aged children that may or may not attend schools within the district, more than not, we chose the projects because of the importance of supporting public schools and the recognition of a school’s impact on its surrounding community.
Our day was such a success not only because of the hardworking volunteers, but also because of companies like CH2M HILL that donated materials and Whole Foods and Noodles & Company that provided lunch and dessert to make it all happen. The end result of this day didn’t come from a vote or debate, but instead from the strong desire of everyday people to make a difference in their community.
On Sunday, I took a few minutes to watch “Meet the Press.” I will admit that I am caught up in the buzz and can’t wait for “Waiting for Superman” to open in Denver. David Gregory was reporting from New York as part of the NBC coverage dedicated to education reform. As expected, Gregory asked his questions of administration leaders, school reformers and union heads, but Gregory said it best as he closed out the show, “… if you drive by a public school, even if your kids don't go there, walk in and ask how you can help, whether you can tutor or provide resources to a teacher.”
Whether it be public schools or other issues impacting your community – Are you ready to take Gregory’s advice and walk through the doors to be that Superman or Superwoman?