Have you ever found yourself wondering if the development of a communications plan is absolutely necessary? It can certainly be a daunting task, but a strategic plan that includes solid tactics provides a sound road map for you and your communications team. It is a must-have document that defines the structure for how you will work towards your goals and provides validation that the initiatives you plan to execute map back to your overall strategy.
To help get you started, below are eight steps that I like to follow when creating a plan. Remember, it can be overwhelming to pull a plan together, but once you have it, you will be thrilled to have your “communications guidebook.”
Eight steps to consider when developing your strategic communications plan:
1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of your current communications initiatives
2. Define your overall communications/PR goals and objectives
3. Determine your key audiences – current and future
4. Develop two to four PR strategies
5. Define your internal and external communications tactics – including traditional and non-traditional media
6. Determine your budget
7. Set metrics. Include methods in your plan that you can use to measure and evaluate results.
8. Evaluate, redefine and re-align with goals