Speaker Karen Kaiser Clark is credited with having said, “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” At GroundFloor Media change is afoot and we couldn’t be happier with all of the growth opportunities. From personal changes – such as weddings, babies, new smart phones, MacBook Pros (hey – change is change!) – to professional changes – like new team members, clients, exciting opportunities with long-term clients we are proud to call friends – we’re growing and changing in new ways every day.
The world of public relations has been forced to grow in recent years, too – morphing from an industry based upon hard copy press kits and traditional media relations to an industry whose contacts change daily with the reduction of traditional newsroom staff, the advent of new social media outlets and the meteoric rise of new influencers one might never have guessed just a month earlier. Seth Godin recently wrote a great blog post titled “First and Never” in which he addressed the joys and excitement around “firsts” and the inevitable change that comes with “nevers.” While PR will never be the same as it was when I first entered the field (ah – the days of one computer for the whole office to check e-mail and no BlackBerry to follow me home at night…), the reason I fell in love with this industry is still the same – the opportunity to share great stories with interested audiences whose lives might just change thanks for the stories my clients have to tell.
I like how dictionary.com defines change