Unless you've been living completely off the grid, it has become impossible to dispute the dramatic impact that social media has had on the public relations industry during recent years. Initially many of us in the PR world dismissed social media as just an outlet for blatantly biased rants or boring personal narratives. However, as we've watched the popularity of social media mediums like blogs, social networking sites, podcasts and social tagging grow during recent years, their importance to marketers has become undeniable.
In essence, social media has transformed consumers from content readers to content publishers. This shift requires not only a new line of thinking for PR teams, but a new set of strategies, tactics and metrics. We've already had the pleasure of working with a few of our existing clients to help them leverage the social media universe to their benefit and now we're excited to expand on that experience.
Today, we're very excited to officially unveil the GroundFloor Social Media program (GFsM). We developed this program to provide companies with creative and intelligent recommendations for utilizing the social media universe to help further their marketing and PR goals. Ever wondered if you should launch your own corporate blog or how you could leverage the popularity of Facebook to reach a new audience? Our GFsM team will work with you to develop and implement a customized social media outreach program that can help you:
· Build a blogosphere presence
· Spread your message through social networks and online communities
· Socialize, share and extend the shelf-life of your news and thought leadership content
· Add viral and visual components to enhance your existing marketing and PR campaigns
We're also going to start really practicing what we preach here at GFM, so be sure to check back here often as we offer insightful commentary and real world tips for marketers in a Web 2.0 world. You can also check us out on Facebook (http://groundfloormedia.blogspot.com/) and follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com//groundfloorpr.
So buckle up social media marketers! It's already been a wild ride and I don't expect it slow down anytime soon!